This is our portfolio – we provide a platform for communities to develop and grow – They generally fit within one or more of the sustainable development groups that we are familiar with and that you see here.
Each community can setup its own local or international group to focus on actitivties aligned to one of the groups – so say you want to focus on Education in Kenya, or Poverty in South Carolina – Climate Action in Zagreb or Clean Water in Madagasgar you can do all that.
Sharing resources, ideas, technologies, funding sources and success is the best way to develop global communities and move the agenda forward.
At Shared Space we developed Kangaia ® & Harmonious Evolution ® methodologies and along with partners we built this platfom and tools to help us promote ethical, ecologically sound and financially viable approaches that can be used anywhere by corporates and small voluntary groups – we are an inclusive organisation and encourage inclusivity, acceptance and as we said Harmonious Evolution ® because we have only one planet and it is our only Shared Space. So lets protect it together.