Dave Fardoe Bsc(Hons) MBA profile image

David Fardoe


Dave has worked in business for over 32 years from both a technology standpoint as an Executive leader and Coach.  Working with clients across the globe Dave has developed numerous operating models, financial and business models as well as technology solutions from indutries as diverse as manufacturing to healthcare.

Dave holds a passionate belief in “Harmonous Evolution” having coined the term in 2019 during the intial development of the ADI, later the Kangaia, framework. His philosophy, that humankind is destined to keep progressing and evolving, increasing our knowledge and skills as a species, yet equippped with an intellect that enables us to predict the harmful effects we can have on ourselves, others and the planet imposes on us a duty to find ways to avoid these negatives.

He believes in holistic approaches to health and wellbeing, including Physical( things of the body ), Mental( things of the mind), Spiritual (things of the soul). A Usio Reiki practitioner and student of eastern traditions he believes that both western and eastern traditions are complemetary, together they offer the possibility of global progression and harmonous evolution.

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